Correction Trio Set
Correction Trio Set
Key Ingredients
Start your free trial today!
This is how it works:
Try It Out For 21 Days
We’ll send you a trial-sized set of your skincare routine so you can get to know our amazing products - just pay shipping!
Loving Your Experience After 21 Days?
After 21 days you will automatically get a new & bigger size that lasts 2 months at an over 0% discount! $29.97/month (plus shipping & taxes), billed & shipped every 2 months.
Keep Up With Your Routine
We know the key to any good routine is consistency, so we’ll automatically refill your supply every 2 months.
You can change your delivery frequency, modify your set, or cancel at anytime.
Start your free trial today!
This is how it works:
Ships today
Trial-sized set (21-day supply)
Includes trial-sized:
$0.00FREE -
Shipped & billed in 21 days
Full-sized set (2-month supply)
Includes full-sized:
$0.00$59.94 -
Every two months
Consistency is key to a great skincare routine! After your trial, enjoy over 0% savings with automatic refills every 2 months. You can change your delivery frequency, modify your bundle, or cancel anytime.
Clean, Hydrate, Defend
At Lumin, we shine the light on…
Active botanicals, natural origins, nourishing vitamins, and other good-for-you skincare fundamentals. We formulate with superpowered natural ingredients that actually work, and are designed to solve your primary skincare concerns.
No parabens, sulfates, phthalates, or animal testing. Ever.